10 Effective Techniques to Increase Conversion Rate

In digital marketing, conversion rate refers to the percentage of people who browse your website and take the desired action, like purchasing a product or signing up for your service. The vision is to have a 100% conversion rate—although that’s extremely unlikely. The average conversion rate across all industries is just 2%. 

The good news is that there are abundant ways to increase the conversion rate. These techniques form a process referred to as conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Below, we’ll analyze 10 powerful CRO marketing tactics that lead to a higher website conversion rate.

Let us first examine: What is conversion rate optimization?

The process of CRO comprises three main steps:

  • Finding why a site visitor isn’t converting
  • Creating changes on your website to address these conversion obstacles
  • Analysis of these changes to find out if they’re actually working

List of Effective Techniques to Increase Conversion Rate.

To put these steps into action, modestly try out these 10 tried-and-true CRO tactics and achieve customer satisfaction:

#1 Improve Your Page Speed

Nowadays, online shoppers have high expectations. Particularly, they assume websites load quickly. Even a delay of a few seconds may send latent customers clicking the “back” button and giving your rival their business instead. In fact, 40 % of people will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

#2 Optimize For Mobile

Are you aware that over 50% of online shopping experiences occur on a mobile device? If you wish to win over this large band of customers, you need to guarantee your website renders properly on mobile.

 #3 Write A Captivating Headline

Approximately 80% of website visitors will skim through your web page’s headline, but merely 20% will read anything else. Thus, getting the wording of your headline just right is vital for your conversion rate. 

 #4 Include a CTA That Inspires Action

While discussing conversion rate optimization, your web page’s call-to-action (CTA) is another important component. Pondering how to write a call to action that converts? Effective CTAs are:

  • Actionable – The key purpose of a CTA is to inspire action.
  • Preceded by convincing copy – To inspire website visitors to click on a CTA button, you need to describe the value of your product, service, or promotional offer.
  • Easy to find – If website visitors can’t catch your CTA, they can’t click on it. In turn, your CTA should be easy to find.
  • One to a page – Even if you have many offers to share with your website visitors, limit your CTAs to one per web page.
#5 Eliminate Distractions From Your Landing Pages

Don’t let our website visitors dig to find the crucial information they need to convert. As an alternative, just show them the essentials of a high landing page conversion rate, which comprise: 

  • A persuasive headline and subheading
  • A summary of the paybacks and features of your product or service
  • Social proof, including references and a product review
  • An eye-catching visual of your product or service
  • A clickable CTA button
#6 Shorten Your Forms 

We’ve all experienced it—you go to fill out a form on a website and leave it halfway because it was just too long. Thus, removing needless form fields is an efficient way to raise your form fill conversion rate. 

#7 Gain Awareness From Heat Mapping

If you’re unsure what’s important and what’s not on your web pages, heat mapping can assist you to find out. Heat mapping shows you precisely where your website visitors click when they browse your web page. In turn, it aids you to comprehend what content they find most engaging.

#8 Conduct Customer Surveys

Heat mapping shows what website visitors do on your website, but it doesn’t clarify the “why” behind their behavior.  You can uncover the motivations behind your visitors’ behavior by asking them questions by conducting a customer survey.

#9 Establish Trust

Succeeding in getting an internet user to convert to your website is stress-free if you’ve established a basis of trust. No one desires to stake their credit card information with a shady website. Likewise, many people will be unwilling to buy something sight unseen without social proof. 

You can rapidly bolster your trustworthiness with the help of:

  • Customer testimonials and reviews 
  • Logos and Awards
  • Money-back guarantees 
  • Updated web design 
#10 Add a Chatbot

A Chatbot can answer customers’ questions right away on your website. Chatbots understand text inquiries and create automated responses that impersonate a real person. Once your curious website visitors get their basic questions answered, they’ll feel more contented going on with a purchase. 

Bottom Line:

CRO: Analyze, Hypothesize, and Optimize!

As you can understand, CRO is akin to a science experiment. You inspect what’s stopping conversions, speculate on potential solutions, and test them till your web pages are perfectly optimized. 

By using the 10 tactics we discussed, you should see an increase in your overall conversion rate in no time. 

If you want to improve your CRO, contact Arista Systems today!

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